Crossing the line...

My life pertaining to the Alamo.

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Location: Florida, United States

I'm a native Floridian with a passion for the history and popular culture of The Alamo.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Crossing that Line...

December 6th, 2004.

I thought I'd create a blog to post my ideas and thoughts pertaining the Alamo and everything the Alamo has to do with my life.

I run and it's messageboard . Currently, I am writing a novel about the Alamo and have drawn several pieces pertaining to the Alamo. You may find one of my works in the 2004 December Issue of The Alamo Journal which was created and is sent out by Alamo Historian and friend William Chemerka.

I am a sixteen year old Alamo enthusiast, but I am getting ever so closer to being considered an Alamo historian. Atleast, I've been told so. As a few people have told me in my life, I am carrying the torch for those born in the baby boomer era and will help keep the story and interest of the Alamo alive.

~Wade Dillon


Blogger Wade Dillon said...

Bob, thanks for leaving a comment. Ya, the computer's working great. No more glitches or slow programs anymore lol

December 20, 2004 at 3:05 PM  

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