Crossing the line...

My life pertaining to the Alamo.

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Location: Florida, United States

I'm a native Floridian with a passion for the history and popular culture of The Alamo.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Alamo Sentry and David Crockett

I replaced the banner of Alamo Sentry with a much better, epic looking banner which better emphasizes with the characters of the Alamo story. I plan to change the background, using the same photo, into a brown sephia like tint. I'm having a designer on it right now.

Catniip, of , posted a message from Tom Lindley, author of Alamo Traces, and inside his post was a sentence concerning a new find. The find is a new, and possibly reliable and legit account on how David Crockett died. I emailed Catniip with my message to Mr.Lindley on if he could possibly give me a description of this account, but Mr.Lindley was simply told by the investigator who found this discovery for his thoughts and it's with my great respects that Mr.Lindley chose to be private about the matter. But I assume we'll find out this new account soon enough. But another great find, which Mr.Lindley is submitting to the Southwestern Historical Quartley, is the earliest known sketch of the Alamo church and long barracks. He described it at as not being a tourist drawing, but being drawn with streight edge. He told us at the film forum that he's working on the article now.

Having found the cd for my art program, I was capable of designing a few sigs for supporters and members of [url=]Alamo Sentry[/url]. You can check them out at the messageboard in the "Alamo Sentry Announcements" section.


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