Crossing the line...

My life pertaining to the Alamo.

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Location: Florida, United States

I'm a native Floridian with a passion for the history and popular culture of The Alamo.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Alamo Sentry

I find myself becoming tied up in many projects, leaving me hardly any time to attend to a few of them.

First of all, School and sports come first. I need to work harder with my assignments and I need to do a much better training routine if I want to become half of the runner my father once was.

So, this means I must organize my time wisely. Me and Jim (alamo54us), a fellow Floridian, Alamo enthusiast, and Sentry moderator are coming up with Rules and Regulations for Alamo Sentry so all opinions are excepted and there's not much nonsense as we've seen on a number of messageboards before. My intention for Alamo Sentry is for it to become one of the largest Alamo communities on the internet.

Also, I recently finished the cover for my school's newspaper for next month. The "Northeaster" crew I heard really liked it and my work will be published, which is an honor.

Talking about published, I've been asked to draw a few illustrations for an Alamo book, but no details are available as of yet. For this to happen for me at the age of sixteen is amazing. I really enjoy my hobby or drawing and writing and to do this is an honor itself.

Plus, I'm working on my novel, or "manuscript". Due to time, rewrites, reading, and ideas...I'm just now getting through parts of the first chapter. But it'll be a unique look at the Alamo story and am having the greatest time writing it. Especially when I have the chance to rack my father's ears of talking about it! :)

~Wade Dillon

P.S. For Christmas I'll be getting three more sets to add to my Alamo Conte Collectibles Collection. I'm sort of building my own, mini diorama. I'm nowhere near my friend Tom Feely though.


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