Crossing the line...

My life pertaining to the Alamo.

My Photo
Location: Florida, United States

I'm a native Floridian with a passion for the history and popular culture of The Alamo.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

It Do!

Hey all,

Computer recently crashed and it's finally fixed. Sorry I missed out on some of the recent posts made on Alamo Sentry and, but will get back to them soon.

I recently had a very nice interview with Alamo artist Gary Zaboly, so check out the interview at the link provided below.

Just wanted to say as well, when the "High Holy Days" come around, that I'll have the Alamo webcam up on the main page. Hopefully, or such do not mind that I use it. Besides that, video clips and photos from the events should come pouring in a day or so later. So, look forward to that. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or would like to provide something that will add to the March 6th experience for those who can't make it please send it to Have the topic titled "Alamo" or something that can get threw my spam filter.

Besides that...nothing much is new. Until my next submittion...


Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Updates Galore

You may notice Alamo Sentry going through alot of updates and that is because I'm trying to make up my mind on the right look for my messageboard. I'll probably have a manditory banner up during the High Holy Days to commemorate the men who died at the Alamo. I'll also add the Alamo webcam on the main page so yall can watch some of the festivities as they happen. But then, the camcorder clips and photos people send in will follow and it will be great to see photos. Especially for those who won't be there. Myself most likely included.

Alamo Sentry now has 209 members and more will "cross the line". I'd like if some of our Alamo Historians would join and take part in some of the discussions. Jack Edmondson has been kind enough to share his thoughts a number of times along with Brian Kaufman, author of The Breach, Alamo artist and Musician Mike Boldt, Tony Pasqua and others. I just get a great feeling to have all of these great people part take in the discussions.

Anyway, I replaced the background with a nice, brown one of the recent day Alamo. It fits. I also colored the scroll bar to fit the messageboard as well.

Well, until my next submittion....Remember the Alamo.


Saturday, January 01, 2005

Welcoming in the New Year...

Well, it's the first day of 2005. I can't believe how fast last year went by. Especially with everything going on. School, the Alamo film premiere, etc.

The other day I got an email from Alamo Historian Rod Timanus and it seems the both of us share the same birthday. September 29th. So that was awesome to hear.

Anyway, I celebrated 2005 with a bang. Not really Alamo related, but I hung out with my friends at a "fandango" last night and over 100 people were there. Rockets were fired, a local band played music, and then the cops came and everyone "retreated" to their cars and friends houses. Reminds me of when the Mexicans arrived in bejar on February 24th. lol But I had a great time with my friends and am ready to have a successful year.

School starts again on the 3rd, this Monday, so I have 2 more days of vacation left. I'll be going back to the books and my friends and the girls (lol) and will continue my sophomore year. This month, the cover of our school newspaper which was designed by me will appear and it'll be another proud moment as it is my work that is being published. But nothing comes to feeling as good as when my piece of General Manuel Castrillon appeared in last month's Alamo Journal. I'm glad to see where my talents and hobbies are taking me.

Until my next submittion...
