Crossing the line...

My life pertaining to the Alamo.

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Location: Florida, United States

I'm a native Floridian with a passion for the history and popular culture of The Alamo.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Sentry Updates

Hey all,

Yesterday, a coding problem caused a little scare on Alamo Sentry with the fact that I may have had to rebuild the board since I couldn't update the headers, which provides what most of you see on it. But all is well now and the problem is fixed.

New on Alamo Sentry is a light brown text which fits greatly with the overall look of the board. I also added a button beside the Alamo Photo Gallery one that says "The Sentry Blog" which will lead members and guests to my blog, here. More Updates are to follow.

Anyway, We now have 201 members and I'm very proud to see how our small Alamo community is coming along. Many thought provoking and interesting topics have risen so if you're looking for a good discussion...Alamo Sentry is the place to be.

Hope yall had a great Christmas and I look forward to the new year.



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