Crossing the line...

My life pertaining to the Alamo.

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Location: Florida, United States

I'm a native Floridian with a passion for the history and popular culture of The Alamo.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

I'm back

Hey all,

I haven't reposted in about 2 months. But then again, not much has changed since I last posted. Yet again...stuff has changed.

My best friend hates me now...and I've tried my best to continue our friendship, but she doesn't want anything to do with me. And the two of us shared more than friendship and we were really close. But...she's emotionally conflicted and there was nothing I could do to convince her about the chances us two had as a couple. So, now, she's ignoring me. There's more to this story...but it's pure drama and it would take up this entire page if I let it all out. So, I'm moving on from her.

Today I saw "Sin City" with a girl I know and had a blast. Saw the film, ate at "Smokey Bones" and had a great time with her.

As of things "Alamo" are progressing with's coming along. I haven't spoken with the author of the book I'm illustrating for about 2 months and I am a bit worried. He hasn't tried contacting me neither.

But April 29th is when I'll finally meet William Chemerka, creator and editor of the Alamo Society & Journal, at Fort Wilderness in Orlando, Florida. Him and a few other Floridian Alamo buffs are getting together for an Alamo Symposium. So, I look forward to that. And come August 11th, after my trip to the Dominican Republic with a few friends from school, I'll be heading up to Lawrenceburg, Tennessee to watch the production of "The Lion of the West" that my dad's childhood friend Jay Eklond has put together and produced. It's to show during the "Crockett Day" festival they throw up there. More information is to be posted on the play.

Alamo Sentry has grown to 259 members. An impressive number, but I'd wish more of the members would post. Maybe 10 to 20 people out of that number attempt to. Of those people who try, I appreciate it. I'd just wish more would take the time to.

But my manuscript for my Alamo novel is coming along greatly. The ideas are pouring in and I'm having a blast writing it.



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