Crossing the line...

My life pertaining to the Alamo.

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Location: Florida, United States

I'm a native Floridian with a passion for the history and popular culture of The Alamo.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Updates Galore

You may notice Alamo Sentry going through alot of updates and that is because I'm trying to make up my mind on the right look for my messageboard. I'll probably have a manditory banner up during the High Holy Days to commemorate the men who died at the Alamo. I'll also add the Alamo webcam on the main page so yall can watch some of the festivities as they happen. But then, the camcorder clips and photos people send in will follow and it will be great to see photos. Especially for those who won't be there. Myself most likely included.

Alamo Sentry now has 209 members and more will "cross the line". I'd like if some of our Alamo Historians would join and take part in some of the discussions. Jack Edmondson has been kind enough to share his thoughts a number of times along with Brian Kaufman, author of The Breach, Alamo artist and Musician Mike Boldt, Tony Pasqua and others. I just get a great feeling to have all of these great people part take in the discussions.

Anyway, I replaced the background with a nice, brown one of the recent day Alamo. It fits. I also colored the scroll bar to fit the messageboard as well.

Well, until my next submittion....Remember the Alamo.



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