Crossing the line...

My life pertaining to the Alamo.

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Location: Florida, United States

I'm a native Floridian with a passion for the history and popular culture of The Alamo.

Monday, May 30, 2005

School's out for Summer!

Hey everyone,

I've been busy writing on my other that just deals with my life away from the Alamo. But I plan to keep this one updated as well.

I'm proud to say my drawing of David Crockett recently grcaed the cover of the May issue of The Crockett Chronicle. William Chemerka, editor and creator of the Alamo Society and Alamo Journal, has been very kind in publishing my work in both of his publications. My General Castrillon piece in the December 2004 issue of the Alamo Journal and ofcourse the above mention. So, I'm very proud of where I am going with my artwork and I can only imagine where my talents will take me.

Talking about publishing, I'll be working on the illustrations for the Alamo book I've been asked to comission all summer long. There will be several battle scenes along with a few arial and great angle aspects. So, I'm enjoying the work I'm doing.

Also, I'm also glad to say I have a girlfriend and tommorow...I'd have been with her for a month. Her name is Raven. Yes, there is an Alamo signifigance in the name as Sam Houston's nickname was The Raven. But I hadn't noticed it until my father and Bill Chemerka joked with me about it at the Alamo Gathering that took place in Orlando on April 29th. But she is a great girl and I'm proud and happy to say that I love her.

Anyway, until my next update...
