Crossing the line...

My life pertaining to the Alamo.

My Photo
Location: Florida, United States

I'm a native Floridian with a passion for the history and popular culture of The Alamo.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Sentry Updates

Hey all,

Yesterday, a coding problem caused a little scare on Alamo Sentry with the fact that I may have had to rebuild the board since I couldn't update the headers, which provides what most of you see on it. But all is well now and the problem is fixed.

New on Alamo Sentry is a light brown text which fits greatly with the overall look of the board. I also added a button beside the Alamo Photo Gallery one that says "The Sentry Blog" which will lead members and guests to my blog, here. More Updates are to follow.

Anyway, We now have 201 members and I'm very proud to see how our small Alamo community is coming along. Many thought provoking and interesting topics have risen so if you're looking for a good discussion...Alamo Sentry is the place to be.

Hope yall had a great Christmas and I look forward to the new year.


Monday, December 20, 2004

Tis the Season

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. It's been an akward couple of days in fact. Went to a friends wedding, only to be ignored and insulted by her the next. But that's life and I'm getting over it.

Anyway, Alamo Sentry now has 200 members. The messageboard is becoming a nice, strong community of scholars and enthusiasts and am enjoying some of the recent topics that have sprung up.

I got an email from the Alamo Gift Shop about an order confirmation and that told me immediately that my father ordered something for me for Christmas. I told him about the email, but I didn't read it. He's mad that they sent the confirmation through email, but I assured him I have no clue what I'm getting. But I am sure it's something good. He'll enjoy the gift I got him as well.

Anyway, life's going good on my end. Beside the recent blowout with my friend, I'm continuing my drawing, writing, and simply having fun with family and friends. In fact, I've been invited by one of my friends to go with her to the Dominican Republic for a few weeks in the summer so if plans and such go right...that should be a fun and great experience for me. The only other country I've been to was Mexico, where me, my brother, father, and family friend Jay Eklond ended up getting lost in our car while crossing the border, but then went back, and walked across lol.

Until my next post. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone.


Friday, December 17, 2004

New Computer

Yesterday I received my new Dell computer yesteday and it's running smoothly! The old computer was about 4 years old and was a hunk of junk rid of it.

As I said before, more graphics may be coming soon. New codes will be placed inside the messageboard as well to enhance it, overall.

Currently working on my book again and I have all of Christmas vacation to do it.


Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Updated Alamo Sentry a little bit today. Expect more updates over the Christmas holiday.


P.S. Hello Melinda.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

The Sentry

Me and alamo54us added a thread that pertained to our rules and regulations for the Alamo Sentry messageboard in every category and will begin enforcing them. Don't worry members. I'm not creating a dictatorship. ;) I'm just stopping trouble before it even starts.

Anyway, I worked on my book today, but only completed a few sentences as the spirit just wasn't in me today. I cleaned my computer desk as my new Dell computer will be arriving soon and my computer desk is where I do alot of my Alamo research and studies.


P.S. Alamo Sentry will be having a major upgrade in the next month or so with the release of Proboards version 4. Many new graphics wil uccompany those upgrades as well.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Alamo Sentry

I find myself becoming tied up in many projects, leaving me hardly any time to attend to a few of them.

First of all, School and sports come first. I need to work harder with my assignments and I need to do a much better training routine if I want to become half of the runner my father once was.

So, this means I must organize my time wisely. Me and Jim (alamo54us), a fellow Floridian, Alamo enthusiast, and Sentry moderator are coming up with Rules and Regulations for Alamo Sentry so all opinions are excepted and there's not much nonsense as we've seen on a number of messageboards before. My intention for Alamo Sentry is for it to become one of the largest Alamo communities on the internet.

Also, I recently finished the cover for my school's newspaper for next month. The "Northeaster" crew I heard really liked it and my work will be published, which is an honor.

Talking about published, I've been asked to draw a few illustrations for an Alamo book, but no details are available as of yet. For this to happen for me at the age of sixteen is amazing. I really enjoy my hobby or drawing and writing and to do this is an honor itself.

Plus, I'm working on my novel, or "manuscript". Due to time, rewrites, reading, and ideas...I'm just now getting through parts of the first chapter. But it'll be a unique look at the Alamo story and am having the greatest time writing it. Especially when I have the chance to rack my father's ears of talking about it! :)

~Wade Dillon

P.S. For Christmas I'll be getting three more sets to add to my Alamo Conte Collectibles Collection. I'm sort of building my own, mini diorama. I'm nowhere near my friend Tom Feely though.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

December Issue of the Alamo Journal

#135, December 2004 Contents:
"Dr. James Grant and the Secret War for Texas" by Stuart Reid "Documents of the Texian Revolution" commentary by Thomas R. Lindley "Walt Disney's Davy Crockett" by William R. Chemerka plus "The Bookshelf, "Alamo News" and more!

Also, you may find one of my Alamo pieces within this new issue.


Recuerdo El Alamo

My life pertaining to the Alamo...

That is my house in Florida. It's been in my family for over 50 years and almost 2 years ago was about to be condemned, because my uncle couldn't pay the bills. But my father, Allen, came to the rescue and put the money forward to renovate it. And so we did, tremendously. We added a whole new part of the house, where the hexagonal window is, sheet rocked the walls, added tile flooring, shakoed the outside, and added the Alamo hump. I helped design the hump after our contractor couldn't quite get it right. But me and my father, with my brother not caring much, decided to put the hump atop, because of our love of the story.

The only annoying things is it's nickname. "Taco Bell."

~ Wade Dillon

Monday, December 06, 2004

Alamo Sentry and David Crockett

I replaced the banner of Alamo Sentry with a much better, epic looking banner which better emphasizes with the characters of the Alamo story. I plan to change the background, using the same photo, into a brown sephia like tint. I'm having a designer on it right now.

Catniip, of , posted a message from Tom Lindley, author of Alamo Traces, and inside his post was a sentence concerning a new find. The find is a new, and possibly reliable and legit account on how David Crockett died. I emailed Catniip with my message to Mr.Lindley on if he could possibly give me a description of this account, but Mr.Lindley was simply told by the investigator who found this discovery for his thoughts and it's with my great respects that Mr.Lindley chose to be private about the matter. But I assume we'll find out this new account soon enough. But another great find, which Mr.Lindley is submitting to the Southwestern Historical Quartley, is the earliest known sketch of the Alamo church and long barracks. He described it at as not being a tourist drawing, but being drawn with streight edge. He told us at the film forum that he's working on the article now.

Having found the cd for my art program, I was capable of designing a few sigs for supporters and members of [url=]Alamo Sentry[/url]. You can check them out at the messageboard in the "Alamo Sentry Announcements" section.

Crossing that Line...

December 6th, 2004.

I thought I'd create a blog to post my ideas and thoughts pertaining the Alamo and everything the Alamo has to do with my life.

I run and it's messageboard . Currently, I am writing a novel about the Alamo and have drawn several pieces pertaining to the Alamo. You may find one of my works in the 2004 December Issue of The Alamo Journal which was created and is sent out by Alamo Historian and friend William Chemerka.

I am a sixteen year old Alamo enthusiast, but I am getting ever so closer to being considered an Alamo historian. Atleast, I've been told so. As a few people have told me in my life, I am carrying the torch for those born in the baby boomer era and will help keep the story and interest of the Alamo alive.

~Wade Dillon